An average person spends 100 minutes a day watching online video in 2021 (Zenith Media). This makes video marketing inevitable for brands. The team at Digibrush specialises in creating video content designed to suit digital channels, devices and even television broadcasting.

Types of
Video Solutions

VFX and Animated Videos
Animated commercials, video profiles etc.

Full Scale Video Productions
TV Commercials, Brand Movies, Brand Webisodes etc.

Mobile First Video Content For Social Media
Edits of existing assets and basic cost effective productions

Influencer + Video Content
Partnering with influencers that match your content objective, and conceptualising and producing content
Spruce up your comms with video
Identify Key Insights
Identify Brand Audiences
Crafting Storyline and Scripts
Identify influencers and Partnerships required
Production and Execution
Adaptation for digital devices, channels and placements